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Why support Zummit Africa?

Africa' youth population is rapidly growing and expected to double to over 830 million by 2050. That's the projection for the future according to the African Development Bank Group. Today, the majority of youth in Africa do not have stable economic opportunities. Of Africa's nearly 420 million youth aged 15 - 35, one-third are unemployed and only one in six is in wage employment. While 10 to 12 million youth enter the workforce each year, only 3.1 million jobs are created, leaving vast numbers of youth unemployed.

Youth unemployment constitutes a failure to capitalize on one of the continent's greatest assets for growth: its large and growing population of talented young people.

There is therefore an urgent need to create opportunities for our youths, with tremendous impact.

To that effect Zummit Africa will be providing intensive training in Artificial intelligence and Software development to 5000 youths for free.

These 5000 youths will be groomed till they are job ready. They will also be trained to provide training to others in their communities as well.


Zummit Africa we will keep you informed through monthly progress reports. Our program updates and progress reports will offer real-time insight into the training program. With this report you can track beneficiaries' progress, identify strengths and weaknesses, and make data-driven decisions for improved results.


High impact practice which can improve student retention and engagement;

  • Capstone Project
  • Collaborative assignment and projects
  • Diversity/Global learning
  • Internship

Why join us?

We have the best data scientist and Machine Learning engineers supporting our training program.

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